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A client library for accessing Juice Core Uplink API


pip install juice-core-uplink-api-client

Usage example

First, create a client:

from juice_core import SHTRestInterface
i = SHTRestInterface()

and access the list of available plans on the server:


will output a pandas dataframe with the list of plans (just some here):

trajectory name mnemonic is_public created id author description refine_log ptr_file
0 CREMA_3_0 CASE4 CASE4 True 2021-03-04 13:29:58.835199 17 rlorente Demonstration Case 4
1 CREMA_5_0 CREMA_5_0_OPPORTUNITIES_v0 CREMA_5_0_OPPORTUNITIES_v0 True 2021-08-26 09:12:06.767139 31 cvallat 1st run opf opportunities generation (UC22), based on existing definitions of oppportunities (inherited from crema 3_0)
2 CREMA_5_0 CREMA_5_0_OPPORTUNITIES_v1 CREMA_5_0_OPPORTUNITIES_v1 True 2021-10-04 13:49:49.262682 36 cvallat Added two opportunities for JMAG_CALROL for the last 2 perijoves before JOI (PJ69 not considered since too clsoe to GoI for observations to take place --> MPAD rule)
3 CREMA_5_0 CREMA_5_0_OPPORTUNITIES_v2 CREMA_5_0_OPPORTUNITIES_v2 True 2021-10-05 07:24:07.742653 37 cvallat Modified GANYMEDE_GM opportunity around 3G3 for WG3 prime allocation (1 hour centered at CA)

You can also directly interact with the underalying juice-core-uplink-api-client module:


  • Clone this repository
  • Requirements:
  • Poetry
  • Python 3.10+
  • Create a virtual environment and install the dependencies
poetry install
  • Activate the virtual environment
poetry shell




The documentation is automatically generated from the content of the docs directory and from the docstrings of the public signatures of the source code. The documentation is updated and published as a Github Pages page automatically as part each release.


Manual release

Releases are done with the command, e.g. incrementing patch:

poetry run just bump patch
# also push, of course:
git push origin main --tags

this will update the changelog, commit it, and make a corresponding tag.

as the CI is not yet configured for publish on pypi it can be done by hand:

poetry publish --build

Automatic release - to be fixed

Trigger the Draft release workflow (press Run workflow). This will update the changelog & version and create a GitHub release which is in Draft state.

Find the draft release from the GitHub releases and publish it. When a release is published, it'll trigger release workflow which creates PyPI release and deploys updated documentation.


Pre-commit hooks run all the auto-formatting (ruff format), linters (e.g. ruff and mypy), and other quality checks to make sure the changeset is in good shape before a commit/push happens.

You can install the hooks with (runs for each commit):

pre-commit install

Or if you want them to run only for each push:

pre-commit install -t pre-push

Or if you want e.g. want to run all checks manually for all files:

pre-commit run --all-files

This project was generated using a fork of the wolt-python-package-cookiecutter template.